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Advantages, Disadvantages, & Features

Social Background

TL 8 [0].
Status: 0 [0].
Wealth: Average ($​20,000) [0].
Cultural Familiarities: Western [0].
Languages: English (Native) [0].


Absolute Timing [2]

Absolute Timing [2]

You always know what time it is, down to the second, and can measure elapsed time with equal accuracy. Neither travel nor sleep interferes with this, and you have a built-in “alarm clock” that can wake you up at any desired time. However, being drugged, knocked unconscious, etc. can confuse your mental clock.

Ambidexterity [5]

Ambidexterity [5]

You can use either hand equally well, and never suffer the -4 DX penalty for using your “off” hand.

Empty Block Test [100]

Empty Block Test [100]


Divine Curse (Something Weird) [-10]

Divine Curse (Something Weird) [-10]

So weird it can't be described.

wiki/playground/test.txt · Last modified: 2019/01/08 10:54 by Celti