Table of Contents
LadyLuck is a Perl IRC bot based on Bot::BasicBot::Pluggable, with a collection of modules ported over from sporksbot.
Issue 'LadyLuck, help' for a list of modules loaded, and 'LadyLuck, help <module>' for help with a specific module, or see below.
Basic Commands
- .foo | .bar
- Generates an appropriate response.
- .join <channel> <password>
- Join the specified channel, with an optional channel password.
- .leave | .part <channel>
- Leave the specified channel. If no channel is specified, leaves the channel the command is issued in.
- .seen <name>
- Prints when the person was last seen by the bot, and what they last said.
- .decide <option 1> <option 2> [option 3…]
- Chooses one of the given options. Options are separated by whitespace, commas, or 'or'; if an option must contain a separator, wrap it in quotes.
- .8ball <question>
- Gives a response to the given yes-or-no question.
- .flip
- Flips a coin.
- .calc <expression>
- Queries Google Calculator with the given expression.
- .google <query>
- Returns the first result of a Google search for the given query.
- .wiki <query>
- Returns the first result of a Google search of Wikipedia for the given query.
- .image <query>
- Returns the first result of a Google Image search for the given query.
- .shorten <URL>
- Returns a TinyURL for the given URL. Performed automatically if the bot sees a long link.
- .lart [#channel] <target>
- Adjusts the target's attitude with a clue-by-four.
- s/<foo>/<bar>/[g]
- Replaces the first occurrence of foo with bar in the speaker's last matching line; the g flag replaces all occurrences.
Dice Module
Basic Syntax: .roll 3d6
The basic command is one of: .roll, .iroll, or .rolls: .roll displays the summed die roll; .rolls displays individual die rolls, and .iroll displays both the individual rolls and the summed total.
The basic dice expression consists of 'XdY', where X is the number of dice to roll, and 'Y' is the number of sides. If the number of dice is omitted, it defaults to 1. If the number of sides is omitted, it defaults to 6. If there is not a dice expression present within the command, it defaults to 3d6. Optionally, the number of sides may be indicated as %, meaning to roll a 100-sided die, or F, meaning to roll Fudge/Fate dice. Multiple dice expressions may be listed in the command, optionally separated by a mathematical operator: +, -, *, or /.
A dice expression may be preceded by a number followed by an 'x'; this indicates that that expression is to be rolled that many times and displayed separately.
A die roll may be followed by an 'explosion' indicator: one of "'", "=", or ".". The single quote means high rolls explode; that is, for each maximum die roll, that number is added to the total and another die is rolled. A period means low rolls explode; that is, each minimum roll causes a die to be subtracted from the total, and another die is rolled. An equals sign means both high and low rolls explode.
A die roll may be followed by an optional mathematical operator and a number; this is used to modify the total roll. Instead of a mathematical operator, the modifier may be a 'b', signifying to only total the best (highest) n dice from the roll, or a 'w', signifying to only total the worst (lowest) n dice from the roll.
A dice expression may be optionally followed by a 'vs' and a number; for rolls of 3d6, this calculates success based on the GURPS rules, including margins and critical success and failure. For rolls of 1d20, this calculates success based on rolling higher than the target number. For rolls of 1d100, this calculates success based on rolling lower than the target number.
The .roll command is very generous with its input; feel free to add lots of description to your rolls, the bot will ignore anything it doesn't understand.
GURPS Module
- .hit
- Rolls on the humanoid hit location table and returns the result, including most optional rules for that location and a rolled sub-location.
- .crit [hit|miss|unarmed|head]
- Rolls on the critical hit table, or on the critical miss, unarmed critical miss, or critical head blow tables.
- .range <distance>
- Calculates the range penalty for the given distance. Accepts many units. Properly rounds interpolated values instead of always rounding interpolated values up the way the table does. Defaults to yards.
- .sm <length>
- Calculates the Size Modifier for the object of a given length. Accepts many units. Properly rounds interpolated values instead of always rounding interpolated values up the way the table does. Defaults to yards.
- .super <base>
- Calculates the supervalue of the given base value as per the Size/Speed/Range table.
- .st <ST>
- Calculates the Basic Lift and damage for the given ST by Celti's house rules (identical to RAW up to ST 27).
- .rpm Skill-<#>, <#> energy
- Automatically makes all rolls to gather energy via Ritual Path Magic, returning time taken, total energy gathered, and number of quirks. Uses Celti's house rules for Ritual Path Magic.
- .pow <FP>
- Calculates the materials cost of a powerstone/power item that can store the given number of FP.