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croiduire:orbs:characters:the_champions_of_valverus:naoise_o_ruairc [2015/01/22 08:36] Lucius Fordcroiduire:orbs:characters:the_champions_of_valverus:naoise_o_ruairc [2015/04/03 11:23] (current) Croi Duire
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 +====== Noose ======
 +^      Full Name | Naoise ó Ruairc |
 +^         Player | Lucius Ford |
 +^ Game (Context) | The Orbs of the Dead God |
 +^   Race/Species | Human |
 +^         Gender | Male |
 +^         Height | 5' 7" |
 +^         Weight | 150 lbs((Current weight after ordeal; normal weight: 170 lbs)) |
 +^            Age | DOB: 6 Septimus 1975  (18) |
 +^   Apparent Age((Earth human equivalent)) | 18 |
 +^           Hair | Black |
 +^           Eyes | Green |
 +^           Skin | Olive |
 +===== Character Sheet =====
 +^ Class and Level | Rogue 4 |
 +^             Kit | Freed Slave |
 +^       Alignment | Chaotic Good |
 +==== Tracking ====
 +^                        Current  ^  Base    ^ Notes                   ^
 +^            Hit Points |   29     29   | No current injuries.    |
 +^          Spell Points |                                 |
 +^         Experience (Rogue) |  5,000  |  5,000  | **Next Level:** 10,000         |
 +==== Ability Scores ====
 +^        Score  ^  Current  ^  Base  ^ Notes  ^
 +^      Strength |  16  |  16  | **Attack Adj.:** +0; **Damage Adj.:** +1; **Weight Allowance:**  70 lbs; **Max Press:**  195 lbs; **Open Doors:** 9; **Bend Bars/Lift Gates:** 10% |
 +^     Dexterity |  18  |  18  | **Missile Adj.:** +2; **Reaction Adj.:** +2; **Armour Class:** -4  |
 +^  Constitution |  16  |  16  | **Hit Point Adj.:** +2; **System Shock:** 95%; **Resurrection Chance:** 96%; **Poison Save:** +0 |
 +^  Intelligence |  14  |  14  | **Bonus Languages/Proficiencies:** 4; **Max. Spell Level:** 7th; **Chance to Learn New Spell:** 60% |
 +^        Wisdom |  12  |  12  | **Magic Defence Adj.:** +0; **Chance of Spell Failure:** 5%; **Spell Immunity:** None  |
 +^      Charisma |  10  |  10+1  | **Comeliness Modifier:** +1; **Initial Reaction Adj.:** +1; **Loyalty Base:** +1; **Max. Number of Henchmen:** 5  |
 +^    Perception |  18  |  18  | **Find/Rem. Traps bonus:** +10%; **Detect Noise bonus:** 15%; **Detect Assassin bonus:** 10%; **Detect Illusion bonus:** 10%; **Tracking bonus:** 20%/+4  |
 +^    Comeliness |  15  |  15  | **Charisma Modifier:** +1  |
 +==== Combat Statistics ====
 +^                Current  ^  Base  ^ Notes                      ^
 +^         THAC0 |   19     19   | **Melee:** 19; **Missile:** 17  |
 +^  Armour Class |          |        |                            |
 +==== Attacks ====
 +^    Weapon  ^  Init.  ^  Attacks  ^  THAC0               ^^  Damage                      ^  Range                                 ^^^
 +^       :::  ^  :::    ^  :::      ^  Melee    ^  Missile  ^  :::                          Short      Medium (-2)  ^  Long (-5)  |
 +^            |                                                                    |            |                           |
 +==== Saving Throws ====
 +^  Paralysation, Poison, & Death Magic |  13     |
 +^             Petrifaction & Polymorph |  14     |
 +^                   Rod, Staff, & Wand |  12     |
 +^                        Breath Weapon |  16     |
 +^                                Spell |  15     |
 +==== Weapon Proficiencies ====
 +^         Proficiency  ^  Level        ^  Slots  ^ Notes  ^
 +|  Dagger     Proficient              |
 +|  Club       Proficient              |
 +|  Shortbow |   Proficient              |
 +==== Nonweapon Proficiencies ====
 +^              Proficiency  ^  Score  ^  Attribute        ^  Slots  ^ Notes  ^
 +|  Agriculture           13    Intelligence + Wisdom, averaged +0     Bonus from Upbringing       |
 +|  Tightrope Walking     18    Dexterity +0  |          |
 +|  Swimming            |   16    Strength +0  |            |
 +|  Seamanship          |   15    Intelligence + Dexterity + Wisdom, averaged +1  |            |
 +|  Rope Use            |   18    Dexterity +0  |          |
 +|  Fishing               14    Wisdom + Perception, averaged -1  |     |Coastal–Beaches and Tide Pools      |
 +|  Carpentry             17    Strength + Dexterity, averaged +0  |       |
 +|  Jumping               17    Strength + Dexterity, averaged +0  |         |
 +|  Observation           16    Intelligence + Perception, averaged +0  |         |
 +|  Endurance             16    Constitution +0  |   Bonus from Kit       |
 +==== Languages ====
 +**Native:** Human Regional (Canterus); Common\\
 +**Studied:** Dwarven
 +==== Thief Skills ====
 +^  Skill ^  Base Score  ^  Ability Adjustment  ^  Kit Adjustment  ^  Armour Adjustment  ^  Discretionary Points  ^  Total  ^
 +^  Pick Pockets  |  5%  |  +10%((Dexterity))  |  |  +0%  | 0% | 15% |
 +^  Open Locks  |  5%  |  +15%((Dexterity))  |  |  +0%  | 0% | 20% |
 +^  Find/Remove Traps  |  5%  |  +10%((Perception))  |  |  +0%  | 0% | 15% |
 +^  Move Silently  |  10%  |  +10%((Dexterity))  |  |  +0%  | 30% | 50% |
 +^  Hide in Shadows  |  10%  |  +10%((Dexterity))  |  |  +0%  | 35% | 55% |
 +^  Detect Noise  |  15%  |  +15%((Perception))  |  |  +0%  | 25% | 55% |
 +^  Climb Walls  |  40%  |  |  |  +0%  | 35% | 75% |
 +^  Read Languages  |  0%  |  |  |  +0%  | 0% | 0% |
 +===== Inventory =====
 +^ Item ^ Quantity ^ Type ^ Description & Notes ^
 +|Naoise has a very modest equipage provided by the TDMC and through donations from the good people of Nordhafen (the port where the //General Geißbach// had docked) to alleviate the suffering of the poor.  ||||
 +|  Sack  |  1  |  General  |Hempen burlap; large and sturdy with wide straps to fit over the shoulder; contains Naoise's spare clothing and other gear  |
 +|  Suits  |  2  |  Clothing  |Two outfits consisting of straight unconstructed breeches and simple jerkins, the sleeves tied on with plain cording points, of rough and rugged woollen drugget, dyed apprentice blue; the fit around isn't bad, they're well-made, lightly worn, and comfortable, but they are much too short, the breeches falling at least two inches above his knees, the sleeves leaving his forearms bare for a good hands-width above his wrists   |
 +|  Shirts and Braies  |  2  |  Clothing  |Two sets of second-hand linen-hempen shirts and braies, TDMC issue, undyed; made long and full enough that they fit fairly well   |
 +|  Chausses  |  2  |  Clothing  |Two prs. sturdy but baggy, shapeless, and ill-fitting linsey-woolsey chausses, undyed   |
 +|  Belt  |  1  |  Clothing  |Brown leather; old and worn but serviceable   |
 +|  Shoes  |  1 pr.  |  Clothing  |High-sided, red leather latchet shoes embossed with an abstract, geometric pattern; one bad scuff on the left toe, otherwise they look almost new. Remarkably high quality, well-fitting, and comfortable. Apparently a member of the dwarven gentry has (by dwarven standards) unusually long, narrow feet.   |
 +|  Personal Toiletries Kit  |  1  |  Military Issue/General  |Wooden basin packed with soap, two loosely woven hempen towels, comb, toothbrush, and hairbrush   |
 +|  Marlinespike  |  1  |  Tool/Weapon  |"Liberated" from the //Podgarak// before it sank; good quality, well maintained   |
 +|  Splicing Knife  |  1  |  Tool/Weapon  |"Liberated" from the //Podgarak// before it sank; exceptional quality (masterwork +1), well maintained   |
 +|  Funds  |  10 Schillinge  |  Treasure  |Pay for his work on the //Honigbärchen//, tied up in a linen handkerchief to keep it safe   |
 +===== Background & Notes =====
 +Noose was born in Canterus. His father was shipwrecked and drowned when he was three; he also had a younger brother who died in early infancy. He doesn't remember either of them. (A woman with a nearly grown son, and he her only, would not be considered a desirable marriage partner, even if she had kept her looks; she's too old and too near barren. Unless she was rich--which also radically changes the dynamic--she was in her early twenties at most, and of proven fertility.)
 +After the prescribed (read: socially obligatory) year of solemn mourning was over Noose's mother, a comely, conny, sprightly lass of twenty-two with a small widow's portion (five acres and all the household goods of the well-dowered bride she'd been less than five years before), started walking out with a desirable prospect, the thrifty husbandman whose forty acres ran beside her own modest plot. Cathal had Ambitions, a trait that suited Ena very well; he planned on (not dreamed of) becoming a Yeoman in the not-so-distant future. Ena had loved her handsome sailor-lad, and had grieved his loss sincerely, but realistically, (she told herself) a grown woman with a child needed certain comforts, amongst them the security of her man beside her in their bed every night. Besides Cathal, tall, broad-shouldered, lean-hipped, and ruddy brown from his labours in his fields, was a fine figure of a man. Very fine indeed...
 +Within six months they were married; Noose, then aged five, resented this interloper who monopolised his Ma's time and attention. He'd never had to share her before! And worse was yet to come. Not a year later she showed him a red, squalling monkey and told him proudly he had a little brother. This baby took up even more of her time. Moreover, at six he was expected to help on the farm. It was his lot to feed the chickens and gather the eggs; to weed the garden and bring the hands their drinkings in the short, to do the dozens of tasks that a bright and healthy boy was well able to manage (and woe to him if he shirked his chores; Cathal was not a particularly hard man, but he was a strict one. He expected industry, obedience and respect, and--unlike Noose's more indulgent Ma--when he promised him a whipping for idleness, neglect, or defiance, he meant it and followed through. It was a painful lesson to learn.)
 +Another half-brother followed when he was eight; at eleven, a sister; at thirteen, another brother... His mother was blooming, delighted by her growing family. She didn't love Noose less than his half-siblings...but she didn't love him more either. Cathal held him in austere affection and treated him well. As long as Noose followed his rules they got along, and even when he didn't, he was punished, not abused. He had plenty to eat, a bed of his own, and a new suit of clothes every equinox. He'd gone to the village school for two whole winters and knew how to read (a bill of lading or receipt, a signpost), write (his name), and cipher (addition and subtraction). He was learning a trade; each year he took on more and more of a man's part. He was better off than many, perhaps most, of his peers (that is, the working class sons of landsmen, labourers, and sailors)...but at thirteen he had also developed enough wisdom to know that this farm where he expended so much toil would never be his, not so much as an acre, not with three half-brothers of Cathal's blood who would rightfully inherit. He would be a ploughman, a hireling, with scant chance of ever owning his own land. He began thinking more and more about the father he'd never known, and the sea that had beguiled him, and determined to become a sailor.
 +His mother wept when he made his intention known, but Cathal was surprisingly understanding. "I won't say you won't be missed. You will be--damnably. You're your mother's prop and my right hand. But you want more from life, and that's to be expected. There's risk, but you know that better than most, and there's no denying opportunities are better at sea. I won't hold you back..." He looked over at his wife. "//We// won't hold you back. Once the harvest is in, I'll take you to Aughrim and help you find a likely ship."
 +Cathal kept his word. Clad in his new winter suit, with all his other possession in a sack slung over one shoulder, Noose and his stepfather travelled to the nearest harbour town worthy of the name. Half a dozen merchanters were tied up at the piers--coasters and cogs, caravels and proud galleons--but Cathal spotted a tubby ship near the end of the wharf, smiled broadly, and unhesitatingly headed toward her. Noose had his doubts; she was a cog, old and rather shabby, despite showing signs of recent loving restoration. As they came within earshot Cathal shouted, "Hullo, the ship! Diarmuid Ceallachán? Is there a Diarmuid Ceallachán on board?" There was indeed: //Captain// Diarmuid Ceallachán. He and Cathal had been best friends when they were boys, and the bond had not failed when they'd gone their separate ways. Like Noose, Captain Ceallachán had heard the song of the sea, felt the twin lures of adventure and opportunity, and had shipped out when he was just about Noose's age. He had prospered, and two years ago had saved up enough to buy //The Flying Pig//. She'd gone for a song, sold off as a worthless, outdated derelict, but Captain Ceallachán had been convinced her bones were still sound, and that she had a good few more years in her. People had scoffed, but by dint of hard work he'd proven them wrong. He was willing to take the boy and train him, promising that he'd learn all there was to know about sailing and maintaining a ship...and rebuilding one too! With a hopeful heart, Noose signed on.
 +Once he overcame his initial seasickness, Noose knew he'd made the right choice. He loved the sea and sailing, and every day he learned something new. The next two years were idyllic, with Noose growing in strength, skill, and stature. He saw all the mighty ports--Irnas and Ardaga and free-wheeling, cosmopolitan Yentroi, Dramos and Mirus, rollicking Opsted, where a sailor was welcomed with open arms (he might have lost his virginity to those darling, dwarven harlots--the sex trade is regulated to prevent disease and crime, but is otherwise freely practised, moreso than in any port except Yentroi, and there the chance of disease was high, of robbery even higher) Edenost, Rhawesgar, and Rosheen--and was happier than he'd been in his life.
 +They were three days out of Rosheen heading southwest to Bellethiel when disaster struck. The old //Pig// was set upon by pirates, minotaurs from Gersin. (The Typeneth merchants, also known as The Island League, are seafarers rivalled only by the dwarves from Tanalok. Minotaurs are an arrogant people; their society regards humans, elves, and dwarves as just so many marks, existing only so that they can be bled dry or enslaved for minotaurean benefit. At best piracy is winked at; more often it is openly condoned as good business, provided the victims are members of the "inferior" races.) Fat and slow, unarmed and undercrewed, the //Pig// was easy pickings for the pirates in their fast, sleek sohar; although Captain Ceallachán and his gallant crew (including Noose) fought like demons, they were outnumbered forty to ten. Noose saw his Captain fall, unconscious but--perhaps--not dead (he prayed); he could not even hope the bo's'n survived, not with his entrails spilling to the deck, eviscerated by a steel-capped horn. However, Noose and six of his shipmates were not killed but taken captive. They were young, spry...and part of the booty.
 +The next sixteen months were horrible beyond his worst imaginings. Minotaurs are heavy, hooved, and frequently very ungainly; riggings were not for them. Calves could manage the climb, but humans and dwarves could do it better...and what else were slaves for, if not to spare their superiors burdensome labour? Noose and his friends were chivvied up into the ropes with whips made to welt thick bullhide; they cut delicate skin like swords. Their choices were obey or die in agony; mostly they did what they were told, however resentfully, but all soon bore the scars of their captors implacable cruelty. They were barely fed and permitted little rest, and when the //Podgarak// entered human, dwarven, or elven ports they were locked in irons in the hold, out of sight. Garron died of pneumonia eight months after their capture, blue, drowning as his lungs filled with fluid, and shivering in the cold, denied any shred of comfort or kindness. Two months after that Klaas was beaten to death, not for cause but because the bo's'n was hung-over and he was half-dwarven. Four more months and Herry was gone, slain by bloody fluxes brought on by the putrid food. The four remaining were beginning to think those who had died were the lucky ones.
 +Their ordeal finally ended on a day that had promised still more shame and degradation. The //Podgarak// closed on a small caravel flying the flag of Tanalok. They attacked...and were met with a huge surprise. It was a decoy ship, stuffed to the gunwales with dwarven marines. Noose and the other captives took cover as best they could from volley after volley of crossbow bolts and huge ballistae that shattered their masts and pierced their hull. In half an hour the battle was all over. The minotaurs were dead or captive, the //Podgarak// was sinking, and Noose was free.
 +Or almost. The slaves were questioned under spell to determine their complicity. Once they were exonerated, they were treated with a consideration that stopped just short of open pity. The tempting decoy had more pirates to trap, but within a few days a relief ship rendezvoused with them. The decoy was reprovisioned and the former slaves--Noose, his fellow survivors from The Flying Pig, and half a dozen more the Podgarak had captured from other ships--were taken on board, and they set sail for Tanalok.
 +The journey to Opsted was swift and pleasant. Military vessel she might be, with her decks holystoned and her brightwork shining, but still Noose was reminded of his first days at sea; like the good old //Pig//, the //General Geißbach// was a "happy" ship, pride and purpose substituting for the almost familial camaraderie he had known. Only when they arrived did he hear the chilling news: Nacada had invaded Canterus. His country was at war, and he wanted to go home. The farm and family he'd been so eager to leave seemed very dear in hindsight. Most merchanters weren't risking the trip around Nacada, but he managed to wangle a berth on one heading into Mirus. If nothing else, from there he could sail down the Pelara River, cross the Lake, and walk the rest of the way. The trip to Mirus was uneventful, marred only by Noose's anxiety. They were still unloading cargo when the port was closed. Epidemic catarrh had reached Tacera. Noose was stuck.
 +==== Personality Chart ====
 +^  //Primary Motivators// | Play         Sense of Humour | Jokey            |
 +^   Emotional Disposition | Calm                   //Sexuality//           ^^
 +^               Moodiness | Phlegmatic ^       Orientation | Hetero           |
 +^          //Core Traits//            ^^            Libido | Anaemic           |
 +^        Outlook | Hopeful                Expressiveness | Brazen           |
 +^      Integrity | Responsible          Expressive Style | Crude            |
 +^  Impulsiveness | Focused                      Openness | Narrow           |
 +^       Boldness | Vigilant            ^   Promiscuousness | Low              |
 +^    Flexibility | Adaptable                  //Religion & Spirituality//  ^^
 +^       Affinity | Empathic            ^         Adherence | Casual Adherent (Indigenous)  |
 +^    Comportment | Modest              ^         Tolerance | Tolerant         |
 +^  Interactivity | Listener            ^        Expression | Constant          |
 +^     Disclosure | Evasive                    Conversion | Aggressive        |
 +^     Conformity | Down-to-Earth                Attitude | Ecstatic          |
 +^                                                                          ^^^^
 +^      Topics of Conversation | The sea, fishing, ships                              |||
 +^  Quirks, Habits, & Oddities | Humming                                              |||
 +^        Hobbies & Enjoyments | Fishing, Mussel collecting, Dicing                   |||
 +^  See for reference  ^^^^
 +==== Character Questionnaire ====
 +=== The Basics ===
 +  ? What is your full name?
 +  : Naoise ó Ruairc
 +  ? Where and when were you born?
 +  : Canterus, in a small fishing village by the sea.
 +  ? Who are/were your parents? (Know their names, occupations, personalities, etc.)
 +  : Ailidh ó Ruairc, Fisherman, Kind and gentle, but owner of his own vessel.  His mother, Ena, a fisherman's wife but from a merchant family with exotic blood.
 +  ? Do you have any siblings? What are/were they like?
 +  : Yes. One, young and dead, and four new, young and alive.
 +  ? Where do you live now, and with whom? Describe the place and the people.
 +  : On board ship.
 +  ? What is your occupation?
 +  : Sailor
 +  ? To which social class do you belong?
 +  : Freeman
 +  ? Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses?
 +  : No
 +  ? Are you right- or left-handed?
 +  : Left
 +  ? What words and/or phrases do you use very frequently?
 +  : Ahoy!  Watch out below!
 +  ? What do you have in your pockets?
 +  : Sail needle, string.
 +  ? Do you have any quirks, strange mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics?
 +  : I hum to myself.
 +=== Growing Up ===
 +  ? How would you describe your childhood in general?
 +  : Eventful, loud, and tiring.
 +  ? What is your earliest memory?
 +  : My first voyage on my father's fishing boat at the age of two, the smell of the sea. 
 +  ? How much schooling have you had?
 +  : Enough to write my name and read a tavern sign.
 +  ? Did you enjoy school?
 +  : No.
 +  ? Where did you learn most of your skills and other abilities?
 +  : On the job
 +  ? While growing up, did you have any role models? If so, describe them.
 +  : My fathers.
 +  ? While growing up, how did you get along with the other members of your family?
 +  : I did what my elders told me, and tried to avoid my brothers and sisters as much as I could.
 +  ? As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
 +  : Noone ever asked what I wanted to be.  It was not something I got thinking about.
 +  ? As a child, what were your favourite activities?
 +  : Fishing, Mussel collecting, Swimming
 +  ? As a child, what kinds of personality traits did you display?
 +  : I did what I was told, and didn't complain much about it.
 +  ? As a child, were you popular? Who were your friends, and what were they like?
 +  : No, because I prefer to be on my own when I have the chance.
 +  ? When and with whom was your first kiss?
 +  : I don't kiss.
 +  ? Are you a virgin?  If not, when and with whom did you lose your virginity?
 +  : No.  My mates paid a bar wench in the Surly Squid a couple of years ago.  
 +  ? Describe any influences in your past that led you to do the things you do today.
 +  : My father was a fisherman....
 +=== Past Influences ===
 +  ? What do you consider the most important event of your life so far?
 +  : My birth
 +  ? Who has had the most influence on you?
 +  : My father
 +  ? What do you consider your greatest achievement?
 +  : Reefing the foresail in the storm last year.
 +  ? What is your greatest regret?
 +  : No idea
 +  ? What is the most evil thing you have ever done?
 +  : Pulling my sister's pigtails
 +  ? Do you have a criminal record of any kind?
 +  : Probably.  For drunkenness, groping the wrong woman, or destruction of property.  
 +  ? When was the time you were the most frightened?
 +  : When the topmast snapped last year.
 +  ? What is the most embarrassing thing ever to happen to you?
 +  : Almost dropping a block on the first mate. 
 +  ? If you could change one thing from your past, what would it be, and why?
 +  : My father's fishing boat would not sink.  Stupid question!
 +  ? What is your best memory?
 +  : Being complemented for my ropework by the first mate.
 +  ? What is your worst memory?
 +  : Being told that my father wasn't coming home, ever.
 +=== Beliefs And Opinions ===
 +  ? Are you basically optimistic or pessimistic?
 +  : Optimistic
 +  ? What is your greatest fear?
 +  : Death
 +  ? What are your religious views?
 +  : I revere Osprem, Lady of the Waves
 +  ? What is your political ideology?
 +  : What?
 +  ? What are your views on sex?
 +  : I have the urge sometimes, and then I have it.
 +  ? Are you able to kill? Under what circumstances do you find killing to be acceptable or unacceptable?
 +  : I haven't killed anyone.  I might if someone tried to kill me.
 +  ? In your opinion, what is the most evil thing any human being could do?
 +  : Poison drinking water.
 +  ? Do you believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love?
 +  : No
 +  ? What do you believe makes a successful life?
 +  : Dying as late as possible.
 +  ? How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings (i.e., do you hide your true self from others, and in what way)?
 +  : I tell everyone everything, really.  *cough*
 +  ? Do you have any biases or prejudices?
 +  : I sometimes have an aversion to landlubbers.
 +  ? Is there anything you absolutely refuse to do under any circumstances?  Why do you refuse to do it?
 +  : Jump into stormy seas.  Because I'd drown.
 +  ? Who or what, if anything, would you die (or otherwise go to extremes) for?
 +  : Maybe my family.  Hopefully not.
 +=== Relationships With Others ===
 +  ? In general, how do you treat others (politely, rudely, by keeping them at a distance, etc.)? Does your treatment of them change depending on how well you know them, and if so, how?
 +  : As they treat me.
 +  ? Who is the most important person in your life, and why?
 +  : Me
 +  ? Who is the person you respect the most, and why?
 +  : The captain.  Because he can have me flogged.  Oh, and perhaps my stepfather a little bit.
 +  ? Who are your friends?  Do you have a best friend?  Describe these people.
 +  : Old Scouse, the master of the Flying Pig.  Now dead.  He taught me most of what I know of  Seamanship, and treated me like a son.
 +  ? Do you have a spouse or significant other?  If so, describe this person.
 +  : No
 +  ? Have you ever been in love? If so, describe what happened.
 +  : No
 +  ? What do you look for in a potential lover?
 +  : Cheap and willing
 +  ? How close are you to your family?
 +  : Not particularly, but I do love them and wish to protect them from ill.
 +  ? Have you started your own family? If so, describe them. If not, do you want to? Why or why not?
 +  : Not yet.  I don't know.  I'm bloody eighteen!
 +  ? Who would you turn to if you were in desperate need of help?
 +  : Osprem
 +  ? Do you trust anyone to protect you? Who, and why?
 +  : Osprem
 +  ? If you died or went missing, who would miss you?
 +  : My family, my shipmates
 +  ? Who is the person you despise the most, and why?
 +  : I don't despise anyone
 +  ? Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict?
 +  : I prefer to avoid conflict.
 +  ? Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations?
 +  : No
 +  ? Do you like interacting with large groups of people? Why or why not?
 +  : No.  I'm a sailor, not a story-teller
 +  ? Do you care what others think of you?
 +  : Only if they have a fig of an idea about seamanship.
 +=== Likes And Dislikes ===
 +  ? What is/are your favourite hobbies and pastimes?
 +  : Swimming, Fishing
 +  ? What is your most treasured possession?
 +  : My knife
 +  ? What is your favourite colour?
 +  : Green
 +  ? What is your favourite food?
 +  : Plum Duff
 +  ? What, if anything, do you like to read?
 +  : I can't read
 +  ? What is your idea of good entertainment (consider music, social events, theatre, art, etc.)?
 +  : A game of dice and good drink
 +  ? Do you smoke, drink, or use drugs? If so, why?  Do you want to quit?
 +  : I drink, because I like to get drunk.  No way.
 +  ? How do you spend a typical night without work the following day?
 +  : Never happens
 +  ? What makes you laugh?
 +  : When my neighbour falls out of his hammock
 +  ? What, if anything, shocks or offends you?
 +  : An arrow striking the mast next to my head.
 +  ? What would you do if you had insomnia and had to find something to do to amuse yourself?
 +  : Work
 +  ? How do you deal with stress?
 +  : Keep going
 +  ? Are you spontaneous, or do you always need to have a plan?
 +  : I do what needs doing when it needs doing
 +  ? What are your pet peeves?
 +  : Shoddy workmanship
 +=== Self Images & Etc. ===
 +  ? Describe the routine of a normal day for you. How do you feel when this routine is disrupted?
 +  : Up at watch.  Do my job, eat, drink, sleep.  Annoyed, but not surprised.
 +  ? What is your greatest strength as a person?
 +  : I can sleep anywhere 
 +  ? What is your greatest weakness?
 +  : Women
 +  ? If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
 +  : I'd be stronger.
 +  ? Are you generally introverted or extroverted?
 +  : Introverted
 +  ? Are you generally organized or messy?
 +  : Organized
 +  ? Name three things you consider yourself to be very good at, and three things you consider yourself to be very bad at.
 +  : Climbing, Splicing, Swimming.  Getting on with attractive women, Riding, Singing. 
 +  ? Do you like yourself?
 +  : Usually
 +  ? What are your reasons for being an adventurer (or doing the strange and heroic things that RPG characters do)? Are your real reasons for doing this different than the ones you tell people in public? (If so, detail both sets of reasons...)
 +  : Because my sense of responsibility gives me no option.
 +  ? What goal do you most want to accomplish in your lifetime?
 +  : Own Ship
 +  ? Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
 +  : No idea
 +  ? If you could choose, how would you want to die?
 +  : Drowning
 +  ? If you knew you were going to die in 24 hours, name three things you would do in the time you had left.
 +  : Go fishing, Go swimming, Drown. 
 +  ? What is the one thing for which you would most like to be remembered after your death?
 +  : An expert in the rigging.
 +  ? What three words best describe your personality?
 +  : FIXME
 +  ? What three words would others probably use to describe you?
 +  : Monkey, Young Barnacle, Crazy  
croiduire/orbs/characters/the_champions_of_valverus/naoise_o_ruairc.txt · Last modified: 2015/04/03 11:23 by Croi Duire