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croiduire:orbs:accepted_history [2015/07/08 02:21] Croi Duirecroiduire:orbs:accepted_history [2015/10/18 09:34] Croi Duire
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 +====== Accepted History ======
 +History, as written in the ancient Holy Book of Valverus...
 +===== Creation =====
 +At the end of the last galactic cycle, as all matter and energy converged upon itself, twelve beings of infinite power cast themselves outside of the rapidly imploding universe. They then watched on as all that they had previously known became a fierce ball of light merely a mile across, all the matter condensed into a small ball of energy. They examined this ball for several millennia, then as one they caused the sphere of pure, glowing energy to explode and so begin the 
 +universal cycle once again.
 +These beings observed for several billion years as galaxies were gradually formed, and within these galaxies, new solar systems. Then they spent several more millennia searching through the multitude of star systems, finally selecting a single solar system consisting of six planets orbiting a single sun. They then picked the second planet from those six as it most perfectly fulfilled the parameters they had established. 
 +Instigating the creation of a single celled life-form into the sea, these powerful beings patiently waited as evolution gradually worked its simple miracle. However once vertebrate life forms appeared, they again intervened. Once, so long ago that even time had no meaning, they had been mammals: bipedal, bilaterally symmetrical...humanoid. They allowed the other classes--the fish, the amphibians, the reptiles and the birds--to develop as they would, but they encouraged the development of mammals, shaping creation in their own image.  For 200,000,000 years they patiently coaxed evolutionary change until the organism they wanted emerged.
 +On a single continent that two million years later would be known as Tamaranth, bipedal, erect, tribal beasts with opposable thumbs and large brains that had the capacity for theoretical thought evolved. This prototype suited the deities and they encouraged and enhanced development along that line. Ignoring the myriad possibilities of other life forms, they focussed their attentions on the humanoids, increasing their intelligence and ability to manipulate their environment, reducing their reliance on instinct. However, as this occurred, and these proto-humanoids gained a rudimentary ability to judge and understand causation and consequences, they began to differentiate between each of the great beings and they separated them by how they perceived them into three groups: the Good, the Evil and the Neutral. 
 +However, one of these twelve great beings, Valverus, could not come to terms with this distinction between himself and the others, and so fled out into the universe, leaving the others to this world of theirs. The humanoids in response to their awareness separated into three groups in line with their new perceptions, and began worshipping those beings (now known as Gods by these worshippers) that they wished to follow. In response, the Gods of each faction led their followers to a different part of the continent and began to mould them into the fashion that each group of beings deemed right. 
 +Yeron, Araul, Venall and Urth, the four beings that were considered Good, fashioned their neo-humanoids into one race only, that of the humans. To these newly formed humans they gave a greater understanding of the difference between good and evil so that they could choose their own actions. Thus they gave the human race free will, to be good or evil.
 +Ghorail, Shalniel and Miroch, the three beings that were perceived as being Neutral, also fashioned a single race that they then divided into elves, gnomes and dwarves based on the physical attributes they wished to enhance.
 +These new humanoids also had their definitions of good and evil enhanced, but the gods also instilled an intense awareness of why their own neutrality existed. The first hint that there might be problems with the overweening divine edict occurred here, for the highly intelligent gnomes had appeared to take the lesson of neutrality literally and pulled away from their creators, seeing in the blatant manipulations of the Gods the greatest threat to the balance.  They began to do things that were to their own advantage or benefit, without regard to whether it interfered with the //Divine// schemes or not.
 +Ylwain, Fellbane, Gye and Kirmmaw, the faction of Evil, did things differently. Turning away from the focus on strictly humanoid followers, they shaped many assorted creatures: Orcs, Goblins and Hobgoblins were evolved from the original racial matrix, but they then experimented with integrating genes from mammalian and reptilian creatures, producing Gnolls, Dragons and various other beings. They did not alter these beings' ability to perceive the difference between good and evil, but allowed them to continue operating on instinct and by the harsh lessons of survival. "Good" was whatever kept their bellies full and secured desirable mates. The autonomic nervous system was enhanced instead of the neocortex. 
 +To command this multitude, the group of Evil deities created a strange and frightening race known as the Alcanti, a group of beings of enormous intellect and terrible magic.
 +===== The Great Wars =====
 +Soon after the transition from hunter-gatherer societies to more permanent agrarian encampments, the humanoids discovered they needed some way to count and describe property, whether it be parcels of land, animals or measures of grain. Thus was writing born. The first calendar was started soon after the advent of writing to give them a way of tracking the seasons, the times of planing and harvest, the paths of the moons and planets, and to record events as they occurred.
 +These Beings, or Gods as they were now thought of, did not fully realise the change that had taken place over themselves, whereas before each had been glad to co-operate with the other in all that they did. Now, the two groups of Good and Evil vied for dominance over this world, while the Neutrals tried to keep the status quo between the two.
 +Also, these two factions had, without necessarily realising it, created the forces they would use to seek control with. This was to lead into a series of wars, which neither would win.
 +The trouble began in 2978 AC (After Calendar). Several hundred of the humans began to drift over to the side of evil, and shortly after which in 2981 AC, a faction of the elves split away from the Neutral group to side with the Evil one. 
 +The side of Good began to realise that if too many deserted then the Evil faction would have all but total control, and so instigated the first of the Great Wars in 2984 AC. The war was fierce and bloody, neither side really gaining any advantage. In 3153 AC, the war ended with both sides too depleted too carry on.
 +The elves and the dwarves of the Neutral faction then stepped in and offered to aid both sides in recovering their knowledge and homes. The Evil faction refused, but the humans accepted gladly. The elves also tried to teach the humans the idea of neutrality, but only very few listened.
 +By 3421 AC, things were almost back to normal, when the Alcanti led the Evil faction on into the second Great War. This lasted until 3811 AC, when the result was the same as before, neither side winning, but both sides losing millions in it. The elves and dwarves again stepped in to aid those who asked for it.
 +This pattern repeated itself again in 4375 AC to 4691 AC, and 5026 AC to 5531 AC. However, at the end of this fourth Great War , the missing twelfth Being reappeared. He had watched the wars in horror, and how his peers had misused their powers. Valverus had known this was what would happen, and now he set about doing something about it.
 +Though it cost him his existence, Valverus erected a metaphysical barrier between the Gods and the world. The Gods would only now be able to let the merest presence of themselves through to guide their followers. All the eleven remaining Gods were angry at this, but there appeared to be little they could do about it.
 +The barrier was formed in 5537 AC, or the year 1 AB (After Barrier). This was the start of the second age of Tamaranth. This barrier had the most profound effect on most of the races due to the fact that the impetus for their warring had virtually disappeared, and while it was in place it was claimed that this world would never again see wars of the size which had previously nearly destroyed it.
 +Those creatures which had been evil remained evil, but without strong external guidance compelling cohesion and obedience they began to break up and fight amongst themselves. Those Alcanti that remained appeared to separate, each forming a tower in different parts of the world. As the centuries passed, the peoples of the world assumed that the Alcanti merely died out. 
 +===== Modern Era =====
 +<table border=1 cellpadding=5> 
 +<tr> <td nowrap>1514 AB </td>
 +<td>Amanesh, the former camp of the whole human race splits into five separate nations; Nacada, Canterus, Tacera, Stihmar 
 +and Arcimea, each is ruled by a King. </td></tr>
 +<tr><td nowrap> 1573 AB </td>
 +<td>King Aberus of Arcimea declares that he is the true King over all Amanesh and invades Stihmar. </td></tr>
 +<tr><td nowrap>  1575 AB </td>
 +<td> The Arcimeans are driven back.</td></tr>
 +<tr><td nowrap>  1576 AB </td>
 +<td> A peace is agreed by all five countries that no war shall be waged between them. </td></tr>
 +<tr><td nowrap>  1578 AB </td>
 +<td> The church of Amanesh, worshippers of the four Good Gods, after declaring Amanesh should be one again, begins to 
 +recruit large armies. </td></tr>
 +<tr><td nowrap>  1601 AB </td>
 +<td> The church declares war on all the five nations and the Amanesh Wars are begun. </td></tr>
 +<tr><td nowrap>  1614 AB </td>
 +<td> The church's armies are finally defeated and the head of the church agrees to the peace terms. </td></tr>
 +<tr><td nowrap>  1627 AB </td>
 +<td> Due to the expansion of the humans, two new kingdoms are formed, Linbar and Cyskos. </td></tr>
 +<tr><td nowrap>  1650 AB </td>
 +<td> A miraculous event happens: nine new Gods are born. Like stolen from a plant runner, these beings bud from the Barrier, formed from the essence of Valverus when he made himself into the Barrier, and nourished by the dweomer poured into it by the attempts of the Original Gods to break through. These nine avatars at first are weak, vulnerable, and in need of constant protection and nurturing. Nonetheless they each have all the memories and knowledge of their parent. They are not clones of Valverus or of each other, but each represents a different facet of the Sacrificial God. Mages and mystics soon discover the nature of the disturbance in the Weave and announce the existence of:<br>
 +Tinus: God of War<br>
 +Bmdera: God of Magic<br>
 +Aquira: Goddess of Love<br>
 +Filtol: God of Thievery and Assassins<br>
 +Aspira: Goddess of Fate<br>
 +Yelane: Goddess of Luck<br>
 +Kyris Jelazel: God of Death<br>
 +Kilorin: God of Time<br>
 +Maruthra: Goddess of Nature</td></tr>
 +<tr><td nowrap>  1655 AB </td>
 +<td> New churches spring up to worship these new Gods.</td></tr>
 +<tr><td nowrap>  1663 AB </td>
 +<td>The second church war begins as the Amanesh church tries to cast down these new religions. </td></tr>
 +<tr><td nowrap>  1671 AB </td>
 +<td>The Amanesh church is once again defeated, in part by the budding power of the nascent Gods. The iron control of the old church is dealt a telling blow.</td></tr>
 +<tr><td nowrap>  1684 AB </td>
 +<td>New countries are formed as the humans continue to expand, these being Kethron, Tesulia and Qaicyn. Also, the 
 +Shattered Isle declares its independence from Canterus. </td></tr>
 +<tr><td nowrap>  1731 AB </td>
 +<td>A way is wrought through the D'Scari range and brings these travellers in contact with dwarves. </td></tr>
 +<tr><td nowrap>  1745 AB </td>
 +<td> War between the humans and the dwarves begins. <br>The dwarves discover to their abject horror that the humans present no military targets. They would raid and then retreat to their farmsteads and villages, surrounded by their women and children. If attacked the human non-combatant losses are higher than the military casualties. Dwarven marines and militias, trained for hundreds of years to protect clan and hearth, are sickened and many refuse to fight. The phrase, Besser Unrecht leiden als Unrecht tun (Better suffer injustice than commit injustice) becomes the rallying cry of a vocal and passionate peace movement.</td></tr>
 +<tr><td nowrap>  1747 AB </td>
 +<td>Although the mountain boundaries remain disputed, the dwarves concede the plains and an uneasy and grudging peace is forged. The plainsdwarves are dispossessed and driven from their ancestral homes in a bleak and angry dispersal that the dwarves call the Diaspora.<br>The humans named their conquered territories P'Lar and Rsyvin.<br>The elves of Assel-Vesdra, learning from the misfortunes of their dwarven brethren, forbade any human from ever owning real property in Assel-Vesdra, not land nor lot nor livestock, a law that was also enacted too late in the truncated remnants of Tanalok. Human traders were permitted. Human settlers were not. The children of the neutral gods would not lose any more of their domain to the tyranny of fecundity. </td></tr>
 +<tr><td nowrap>  1781 AB </td>
 +<td>The humans of P'Lar and Rsyvin, intent on continuing their policies of infiltration, conquest and annexation that had been so effective against the dwarves, instigate the first war between themselves and the Axis of Evil, which they found to the south of them. They discover tactics that worked against dwarves had the opposite effect against the orcs, goblins, hobgoblins and ogres who had no compunction about killing women and children and, in fact, considered it sound policy to prevent the incursion of human forces. </td></tr>
 +<tr><td nowrap>  1798 AB </td>
 +<td> The humans are defeated, and a great wall is created that winds its way around the borders of the Evil held lands, and those of the humans and the elves. This wall has P'lar, Rsyvin and Assel-Vesdra on one side, and Nepth, Xerant, Marinmor and Derantia on the other. </td></tr>
 +<tr><td nowrap>  1831 AB </td>
 +<td> The humans try again to defeat the Evil forces, who are now commanded by the break away elves of Assel-Praeth. 
 +<tr><td nowrap>  1845 AB </td>
 +<td>Nepth is soon taken by the humans after the wall between Rsyvin and Nepth is breached by the gnomes. In retaliation for breaching the wall a virulent plague is unleashed by the Assel-Praetheans that nearly wipes out the gnomes: fulminant necrotizing infectious turbinatitis or nose rot. 
 + </td></tr>
 +<tr><td nowrap>  1846 AB </td>
 +<td> A brush war begins in Nepth as the two sides vie for control.</td></tr>
 +<tr><td nowrap>  1885 AB</td>
 +<td>The humans are driven back and the wall is rebuilt. War devolves into constant border skirmishing and the occasional more ambitious raid on either side. 
 +<tr><td nowrap>  1939 AB </td>
 +<td>This time with the dwarves and the elves, the humans begin a third war. </td></tr>
 +<tr><td> 1941 AB </td>
 +<td> Nepth is taken, as is Xerant, in a fast moving attack. </td></tr>
 +<tr><td nowrap>  1945 AB </td>
 +<td>The humans, elves and dwarves are driven back to their own borders. The Great Wall is rebuilt for a second time, but this time it is made stronger and imbued with a magical defence, making it impregnable to available technology and magicks.</td></tr>
 +<tr><td nowrap>  1993 AB</td>
 +<td>Present day. </td></tr>
croiduire/orbs/accepted_history.txt · Last modified: 2020/06/10 21:56 by Croi Duire