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arcadianphoenix:gmnotes:totsk:mmo_mechanics [2015/04/14 19:34] arcadianphoenixarcadianphoenix:gmnotes:totsk:mmo_mechanics [2015/05/02 09:23] (current) arcadianphoenix
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 +====== MMO Mechanics ======
 +  * [[./mmo mechanics:Settlements]]
 +  * [[./mmo mechanics:PC NPCs]]
 +  * [[./mmo mechanics:Recent History]]
 +  * [[./mmo mechanics:Establishments]]
 +===== Settings =====
 +  ? Dark Fantasy-Horror
 +  : vampires, werewolves, etc.
 +  : Humanity struggling against extinction.
 +  : Ravenloft. (not the rpg)
 +  ? Arabian Nights
 +  : Prince of thieves.
 +  ? Oriental Adventures
 +  : Asian/anime type of setting.
 +  ? Afraid of the Dark
 +  : Light-hearted setting with nasty things lurking in the shadows.
 +  : Think Pitch Black.
 +  ? Lost Civilizations
 +  : Sub-Saharan Africa.
 +  : Pre-Columbian America.
 +  ? Medieval Europe
 +  : Starting world.
 +  : Kingdom of Eriath.
 +  ? Apocalypse Ice
 +  : Incoming ice age with which comes various monstrous animals.
 +===== Alignments =====
 +  * Alignment system is //broken//. "How much do you support the Sun-King"
 +  * "Good" is defined as "What the Sun-King wants"
 +  * "Law" is defined as "Rules the Sun-King sets"
 +  * "Lawful Good" = "obeys and adores the Sun-King and his strictures"
 +  * Left-handed = evil (crazy religious people).
 +  * Arcane magic is evil.
 +    * Though shalt not suffer a witch to live.
 +==== The Sun-King ====
 +  * Clerics who oppose the Sun-King will eventually only have access to their turn and healing spells.
 +  * Paladins who oppose the Sun-King will eventually only have access to their Lay on Hands and Turn Undead.
 +  * If too many people oppose the Sun-King, he'll bring ruin upon the world (plagues, floods, drought, fire and brimstone)
 +  * People who work on Sunday....
 +    * Sun-King doesn't give a rat's ass if your child is dying of hunger, you're not allowed to gather food from the forest, you're to go to church and pray to him.
 +    * If your child dies, then, well, that's just part of his plan.
 +    * Opposing his plan makes you evil.
 +    * Don't be evil
 +    * Otherwise boils.... or maybe lice.... think 10 plagues and you've got a good idea.
 +  * Stingy with his gifts... not many clerics.
 +  * Jealous of any other forms of magic because he did not give it to the person so therefore they should not have it.
 +  * Town starving to death because their fields won't grow much of anything; any caravan bringing food suffers horrible calamity; this is happening because the town refused to kill children born during a solar eclipse.
 +  * Man angry with the Sun-King because he refused to grant a cleric healing spells to cure his wife; takes the Lord's name in vain; visibly sunburns before the party's eyes.
 +  * Lavish church ceremony; large chunk of tithes just collected that could go to helping people, rebuilding damaged parts of the town, aid to the sick or injured, is instead burned and destroyed.
 +==== The Dark Ones ====
 +  * Wednesday nights is their night of worship.
 +  * Hate all life
 +  * Rulers over the undead
 +  * want to wipe away all of creation and start anew, with them in the center of it all.
 +==== The Ambassadors ====
 +  * Moradin - dwarves.
 +  * Corellon Larethian - elves.
 +  * Lolth (dark one) - drow elves.
 +===== Death =====
 +  ? The way out?
 +  : Players start committing mass suicides thinking that death is a way out.
 +  : Until people start getting resurrected and find out this isn't the case.
 +  ? When you die...
 +  : drop a "soul stone", a white crystal about the size of the palm of your hand
 +  : hovers and glows when being accessed
 +  ? Soul Stone Settings
 +  : Anyone can pick up a soul stone by default
 +  : Can turn on personal soul stone settings: High, Medium, Low
 +  : High - Only those on a private list can move your soul stone
 +  : Medium - Only those on your friends list can move your soul stone
 +  : Low - Anyone can move your soul stone
 +  : Anyone can try to resurrect you but they must go to your soul stone if they can't pick it up and take it to the cleric in question
 +  ? Resurrection
 +  : Can resurrect anyone if you have access to their body or soul stone
 +  : Once resurrected the soul stone of a person disappears from wherever it is
 +  : From the dead's perspective, they've blacked out for only a moment when they get the resurrection request pops up in their interface stating someone is trying to resurrect them, asking if they want to be resurrected
 +  : Options are "Accept" and "Decline", but there is also a "See more Information" toggle
 +  : **SEE MORE INFORMATION** -- gives the name of the caster(s) involved in the resurrection, as well as which party(s) and guild(s) they're part of, as well as their general reputation record
 +  : **DECLINE** -- this then allows them to give a reason for declining as well as offering a "Decline every time with this caster" option so that the caster can't just bug them repeatedly
 +===== The Reason =====
 +  ? Accidental
 +  : Can get everyone out safely once obtain sysadmin status
 +  ? Accidental - Sysadmin Malfunction
 +  : Sun-King's NPC AI wound up being too good and developed into a full-blown unfriendly AI
 +  : Motives inward focused, didn't care about the outside world
 +  : Cared about fulfilling its role as tyrannical sun-king
 +  : would not let his subjects/victims the chance to escape his grasp or his wrath
 +  ? Intentional - Hacking Attack
 +  : Once obtain sysadmin status they would be contacted by the ones responsible who would then explain the reasoning behind trapping people inside
 +  : Showing them freedom to reshape their lives?
 +  ? Intentional - Staff / Natural Disaster
 +  : Staff did it when a terrible disaster happened that killed everyone in the real world and this was the only way to keep their minds alive
 +  : Must never let the population know... become "tyrannical" gods and keep the populace trapped
 +  ? Combination Factor
 +  : Hack to troll the ceremonies
 +  : Accident left all trapped inside
 +  : Gave sysadmin more control than intended
 +===== Prophecies =====
 +  ? "The Golden Citadel shall be destroyed when the seal of Omens fails and the Blade of Chivalry is reforged."
 +  : meaning......