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arcadianphoenix:3.5:races:kitsune [2015/03/18 07:46] arcadianphoenixarcadianphoenix:3.5:races:kitsune [2015/03/18 10:31] (current) arcadianphoenix
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 +====== Kitsune ======
 +Kitsune, or fox folk, are vulpine shapeshifters known for their love of both trickery and art. Kitsune possess two forms: that of an attractive human of slender build with salient eyes, and their true form of a humanoid fox. Despite an irrepressible penchant for deception, kitsune prize loyalty and make true companions. They delight in the arts, particularly riddles and storytelling, and settle in ancestral clans, taking their wisdom from both the living and spirits.\\
 +Quick-witted and nimble, kitsune make excellent bards and rogues. It is not uncommon for one to pursue sorcery, while those few born with white fur and pale eyes usually become shugenjas.\\
 +  * **Medium Fey**\\
 +  * **Ability Scores:** -2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Cha.\\
 +  * **Speed:** 30ft.
 +  * **Attack:** Claws melee (1d4 each)\\
 +  * **Special Qualities:** Alter Self (Su), Kitsune Magic (Ex/Sp), Low-Light Vision (Ex).\\
 +  * **Skills:** Listen +2, Spot +1, Search +1.\\
 +  * **Languages:** Common and Sylvan\\
 +    * //Bonus Languages:// Abyssal, Infernal, Celestial, Elven, Gnome, Tengu, and Draconic.\\
 +  * //Alter Self//: A member of this race can assume the appearance of a single form of a single humanoid race of its size. The form is static and cannot be changed each time it takes this form. The creature gains a +10 racial bonus on Disguise checks made to appear as the member of the race whose appearance it assumes. Changing its shape is a standard action. This trait otherwise functions as alter self, save that the creature does not adjust its ability scores.
 +  * //Kitsune Magic//: Members of this race gain a +1 bonus to the DC of any saving throws against enchantment spells that they cast. Members of this race with a Charisma score of 11 or higher also gain the following spell-like ability: 3/day—dancing lights. The caster level for this effect is equal to the user's level. The DC for the spell-like abilities is equal to 10 + the spell's level + the user's Charisma modifier.
 +===== Alternate Racial Traits =====
 +The following racial traits may be selected instead of existing kitsune racial traits. Consult your GM before selecting any of these new options:\\
 +  * **Fast Shifter (Su):** You were born with an innate talent for switching between your natural forms. Using your racial change shape ability is a move action instead of a standard action. This racial trait replaces kitsune magic.\\
 +  * **Gregarious (Ex):** Even among your own kind, your gift for making friends stands out. Whenever you successfully use Diplomacy to win over an individual, that creature takes a –2 penalty to resist any of your Charisma-based skill checks for the next 24 hours. This racial trait replaces bonus to Tumble.\\
 +===== Favored Class Options =====
 +The following options are available to all kitsune who have the listed favored class, and unless otherwise stated.\\
 +  * **Bard:** Add a +2 bonus on Bluff checks to lie and a +2 bonus on Diplomacy checks to gather information.\\
 +  * **Druid:** Add a +2 bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks to change a creature's attitude.\\
 +  * **Shugenja:** Reduce the penalty for not being proficient for one weapon by 1. When the non-proficiency penalty for a weapon becomes 0 because of this ability, the shugenja is treated as having the appropriate Martial or Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat for that weapon.\\
 +  * **Rogue:** The rogue gains 1/6 of a new rogue talent.\\
 +  * **Sorcerer:** Add +2 to the DC of enchantment spells.\\
 +===== Racial Archetypes =====
 +==== Kitsune Trickster (Rogue) ====
 +The kitsune trickster combines her sharpened wit with minor arcane powers of charm and persuasion. She uses her talents to spin convincing lies, riddles, and stories. A trickster has the following class features.\\
 +  * Kitsune's Guile (Ex): At 1st level, a trickster relies on her intellect as much as her personality. She adds her Intelligence modifier on Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, and Sense Motive checks. This ability replaces trapfinding.\\
 +  * Kitsune's Charm (Sp): At 3rd level, a kitsune trickster can use charm person once per day as a spell-like ability (caster level equal to her rogue level – 2). At 6th level, and every three levels thereafter, the kitsune trickster gains an additional daily use of this ability. This ability replaces trap sense.\\
 +===== Kitsune Feats =====
 +Kitsune have access to the following feats.\\
 +==== Magical Tail ====
 +    * You grow an extra tail that represents your growing magical powers.
 +    * //Prerequisite//: Kitsune
 +    * //Benefit//: You gain a new spell-like ability, each usable twice per day, from the following list, in order: disguise self, charm person, misdirection, invisibility, suggestion, displacement, confusion, dominate person. For example, the first time you select this feat, you gain disguise self 2/day; the second time you select this feat, you gain charm person 2/day. Your caster level for these spells is equal to your Hit Dice. The DCs for these abilities are Charisma-based.
 +    * //Special//: You may select this feat up to eight times. Each time you take it, you gain an additional ability as described above.//
 +==== Realistic Likeness ====
 +    * When you are in human form, you can take the shape of a specific individual.\\
 +    * //Prerequisite//: Kitsune.
 +    * //Benefit//: You can precisely mimic the physical features of any individual you have encountered. When you use your racial change shape ability, you can attempt to take the form of an individual, granting you a +10 circumstance bonus on Disguise checks made to fool others with your impersonation. \\
 +===== Magic Items =====
 +Kitsune have access to the following magic item.\\
 +==== Kitsune Star Gem ====
 +  * Aura faint transmutation; CL 1st (1st), 3rd (2nd), or 5th (3rd)
 +  * Slot none; Price 750 gp (1st), 3,000 gp (2nd), 6,750 gp (3rd); Weight —
 +  * Description
 +    * This magical jewel glows like faerie fire, shedding light as a candle. It acts as pearl of power, except it only allows a kitsune to recover a spent use of a spell-like ability of the appropriate spell level.
 +  * Construction
 +    * Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, creator must be a kitsune; Cost 365 gp (1st), 1,500 gp (2nd), or 3,375 gp (3rd)
arcadianphoenix/3.5/races/kitsune.txt · Last modified: 2015/03/18 10:31 by arcadianphoenix