Line in the Sand

Kennen shifted his weight uncomfortably as he knocked stiffly on the door. This man was the wild card of the group, and he had very little idea of how to get in his good graces.

Zeddic, in the midst of meditating recent events over a glass of procured wine, raises an eye towards the door. As he gets up, he instinctively looks to see if there's any magic on the other side. Sensing nothing foul, Zed opens the door to see who is there. Seeing Kennen, a somewhat familiar face, he greets him. "Ah, Kennen, what brings you here?"

Kennen nods slightly as his heart seized for a split second. Had he used the wrong persona? "I went to do some upkeep with my things when I realized I didn't have anything to do…" He smiled, but almost warily. "I've never been able to become accustomed to servants. Might I ask for some company?"

Zeddic scratches his head nonchalantly. "Well, I was merely going over our groups recent 'entanglement', perhaps to distill some insight into what we're all doing here." Zeddic motions over to the table in his room. "You're welcome to come and join me if you need anything," as he nods at the table. "A drink?"

Kennen steps past, taking a moment to nod respectfully. "It would be my pleasure." He dropped the politeness as soon as he reached the table; he immediately poured himself a glass and took a moment to bite his lip while his back was turned. "I'm afraid I didn't catch your name back during our grand escape…?"

"Zeddic, but you may call me Zed for shortness' sake," Zed replies as he sits down at the table and begins to sip his wine glass. "Though, through odd coincidence, I believe we have had dealings in the past, albeit briefly. If I recall correctly, you once procured some, how shall I put it, 'materials' for me through less than scrupulous means," Zed smirks slightly.

Kennen smiled knowingly as he turned around to face Zed, a reflex to keep appearances. "Now that I think about it, you do look familiar…" He wouldn't have used that phrasing if he were referring to a loose end. He took in a breath, reminding himself that Fel had used his current name several times during their escape. "And that is, of course, what I am always here for. You were…" He looked Zed down and up, for three reasons: to size up what materials he would have wanted with his choice of wearing robes; to surmise how he looked underneath those robes; and to buy the time to finish his sentence. "I want to say… the forbidden tomes job from… about a year back?"

Zeddic peered over the rim of his glass, "Indeed, our business dealing was somewhere around a year ago. I had requisitioned some spell components for a project I was working on and required discretion." Does he suspect what I needed those materials for? He pocketed the thought and poured himself some more drink. "Well, now that I've sorted out why you seemed familiar, I must ask, does your visit come with any concerns or questions that need addressed?"

Kennen took a moment to take a sip of wine. "Oh, just a silly matter. I was going to take some time this evening to update the robe I have now, try to salvage some semblance of fashion out of it." And accentuate my more feminine aspects, he thought with an inward smirk, just to keep a good range of disguises. "I thought I'd offer to adjust yours as well, so you don't look so… old." He held his breath for a moment. This was the test of where the line in the sand would be.

Zed swirled his glass. "Ahh, a businessman fussing over his appearance," he chuckled ever so briefly. "The garments I absconded Branderscar with actually fit me quite fine." Zed looked over at Kennen and asked to-the-point, "How did you end up there? Perhaps caught in an illicit trade?"

Kennen mentally took note as he shook a stray lock of hair back out of his vision. "Oh, just caught while trying to tie up a loose end. Ironically, the said loose end was a former client, although slaves were his desired commodity…" Another sip of wine. "An occupational hazard that could have been avoided, but…" A third. "When one job ends, another client comes forward." He nods in his direction. "And one where I have to play well with others, to boot."

"Certainly, one must keep up with the appearance expected of them by their clients," Zed muses, taking out a pipe and lighting it. "Perhaps we shall discuss something other than our proclivities." He takes a long drag and exhales. "What of our companions? I do not believe any of us have been formally introduced."

Kennen chuckles breathlessly. "Ah, well there's Victor, the messy-haired one with the spectacles… The little Mitra puppy, Pia, I believe?… and Felosii, arguably the most level-headed of the lot of us, now that I think about it." He poured himself some more wine. "It will be interesting, but hopefully with some time together we can work out some semblance of a family. Actually, I'm sorry, I've already pulled you away from what you were doing." He knew he was treading on eggshells with the suggestion of closeness; he wasn't getting any sort of feeling of anything other than detachment from this one. "You mentioned our shared predicament?"

Zeddic's eyes narrowed when the word 'family' came up, but he quickly returned to the conversation at hand. "Indeed, Kennen, as we are now all joint contractually bound together to perform this task assigned to us, I shall ask - what is your making of this predicament?"

"I don't have any problem with the arrangement right now, it's just another job. And the payment of my life seems reasonable." Kennen chuckled at that for a second before biting the corner of his lip. "Although, I take it you think otherwise…"

Zed nodded casually. "On the contrary, the lot of us seem to have been offered a rare second chance. Perhaps we make of it what we will - tie up loose ends, complete unfinished works and whatnot. For the time being, however, we are certainly indebted to our mysterious benefactor." He stood up. "Currently I see no convincing reason to deviate from what has been laid in front of us. As such, I shall commit my skills and knowledge on the group's behalf. Kennen," he emphasizes, "I trust that you are satisfied for the time being?"

Kennen kept a disgruntled sigh trapped inside. He was no closer to finding out what he needed. "Well, if the boss has vintages half as good as this one-" he remarks, holding up the glass. "-I will remain loyal." He smirks, partly at his own wit, and partly to mask his disappointment. "I should make my way back to my room, then." He gulps down the rest of the wine he had poured, surprising himself at his lack of restraint. He'd have to try another way to gain his confidence.

Zed gives a courteous smile. "Well then, our chat has certainly been enlightening. We are all circumstantial allies, and perhaps in the future more than that." He beckons towards the door. "Is there anything else you require before I return to my meditations?"

Kennen shook his head as he set the glass down, making his way out of the room. "No, I will leave you be. Although I do hope you reconsider my offer about your clothes, before someone else says something." He turned down the hallway towards his quarters, silently weighing whether that barb was worth the risk. Certainly, Pia was no longer the one to worry about; fanaticism can be a helpful tool once he figures out how to wield her. But Zed… it appeared Zed would be immune to Kennen's arsenal for the time being, whether by contract or by force of will.

Zed wished Kennen well as he left the room. Returning to his chair, Zed slumped into it and took a big sip of wine and a long drag on his pipe. "What a fine mess this all is," he mused, "Perhaps things will be clearer after we've cleared this 'training' we're tasked with." He finished his wine and snuffed out the candles. "Damn, this is tiring," he said as he collapsed onto his bed.